In 2012, OLG, in partnership with Denise DeMarchis, Sam McDonald and Matilda Jane Clothing, embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. One that we reminisce on, again and again—OLG, a boutique creative agency, launched a clothing brand that celebrated the boys that light fireworks in our souls.
“But why?”
Ever been asked that question, a few dozen times in a row? It’s the sound of a world that’s brand-new. That’s inspiring at every turn. That’s yet to be figured out, and yet to be second-guessed. A world that will never let you down.
So here’s a line for their imagination, for their joy, for giggles and for eyes that sparkle. For creativity and adventure, for catching snakes and carrying frogs in pockets, for carving names on a tree, for chores (and allowance), for homeruns (and strikeouts), for dancing and, yep, for rock & roll.
Here’s also one for a busted lip, for a flipped BMX, and for first scars. (A scar is nature’s version of a tattoo—for stories they’ll never forget.)
Most of all, here’s one for friends forever.
Those are our boys, and our girls too. The Good Ones.
The Good Ones celebrated its ‘final hurrah’ in 2016—but the songs play on forever.