Social Media: A Philosophy

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January 14, 2019

As social media is ever-evolving, shapeshifting from this algorithm to that one, there’s one thing that should remain consistent. It’s less of a strategy or a tactic, really—it’s a philosophy. At least, it’s one that serves as the foundation for our social media work here at OLG.

It’s simple, really—very “golden-rule”-esque. Maybe it’s also got a dab of karma.

You get out what you put in.

Why do we consider this to be the ideal, end-all philosophy when it comes to social media? Well, it applies across the board to any aspect you might consider.

Want to create more brand loyal customers? Consider the amount of time you spend engaging with them on social media—one of the only platforms that allow (nay, demand!) two-way communication.

Want to be more top-of-mind when it comes to your product or service? Try creating content that is interesting and adds value to their lives, and create a connection between that idea or information and your brand.

Want to increase your audience or engagement? Create a more consistent presence on your accounts, in post frequency, quality of content and engagement. When a potential new audience member visits your profile, this helps them know exactly what they can expect from you.

It’s easy to get caught up in the data, in the bucks, in the algorithms. But, all those aside, at its core, social media is a sounding board for our values, thoughts and ideas (including those of brands!), so let’s use it to uplift our audiences. They’ll uplift us in return.

Remember, what you put in, is what you get out—so make every post, comment, like and follow count!

Written while jammin’ to Flint Eastwood’s Small Victories.

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