Our Favorite Productivity Tools

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June 17, 2019

At OLG, we work with a rather excruciating commitment to the quality of our relationships and our work; thankfully, we share a healthy dollop of laughs along the way. We like to say that each and every month, there’s a pretty good chance we’ll look back in twenty years and say, “{insert month}, {insert year}? Yeah, that’s when we were at our best.”

That can be a high bar. How do we get over it, time and again?

It’s all about the team, and arming each other with the tools that allow us to keep projects on-concept, on-time and on-concept. Here are our favorite productivity tools that keep us movin’! 


No two organizations use Slack the same way. But every one we’ve talked to, highly recommends it. For us, it’s a real-time communication tool that frees up our email inboxes by offering direct and group messaging on projects and channels that range from an imminently due RFP to observations on global branding themes. (With a fair bit of pop culture and shenanigans in between.)


When you have 150+ open jobs at one time, how do you keep ‘em all organized? Easy. Basecamp! We’re on Basecamp 3, and are halfway through our 12th year on the platform. The Basecamp team is continuously improving, accessible and responsive—in fact, their books Rework and It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work are frequently checked out of OLG’s lending library.

Google Drive

Team Drive? Yeah, we love it.


We’re a lean team, and Quickbooks makes our estimating and invoicing process quick (obviously) and smooth, with easy-to-generate reports that help us navigate this ever-evolving business universe we’re so proud ‘n’ lucky to be part of.

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Tips for Data-Driven Storytelling

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