Always moving.

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August 8, 2019

Literature is filled with stories wrapped around the symbolic power of rivers. 

Rivers swell with the dream of a new beginning. They rush with the power of an unstoppable current. And they inspire with the life-affirming energy of progress.

In Fort Wayne, it was our three rivers that brought us here. 

We arrive at them today with high expectations. An appetite for adventure, or a yearning for solitude. A need to connect with heritage and community, or a restless desire to never see the same view twice. 

The chance to be better tomorrow than we are today. 

These three rivers—they’ve been here for centuries. And yet they’ve never stopped moving. Just like this community. 

In Northeast Indiana, it’s all for rivers, and rivers for all. 


At One Lucky Guitar, we covet work that matters. Work that is important to our clients. And not simply important to their bottom-lines, but also important to the people who work there, who work so hard to achieve their goals, to serve their mission. Our work, when we do it well, helps them succeed. Sometimes, it even helps them find enduring success.

We’ve been privileged to serve incredible clients over the years. Each, in their own way, directly or indirectly, makes our community a better place. And our work gets to be part of making that happen—which is amazingly great to us.

We continually strive to help our community put its best foot forward. (We jokingly refer to these efforts as “Best Fort Forward.”)

As part of Riverworks Design Group, our client for Riverfront Fort Wayne was the City of Fort Wayne, and specifically the Parks and Recreation department.

But the reality is, our client was you—our entire community.

Promenade Park officially opens to the world this weekend. It is a world-class addition to our downtown. And Fort Wayne’s riverfront district is set to be the most enchanting jewel in our region’s quality-of-place crown.

We’re honored to be trusted with bringing its story to life.

Hey, Fort Wayne, meet us at the riverfront!

Let’s savor Promenade Park. Let’s bask in its natural beauty, its accessibility and its activity.

And then let’s get back to work.

We’ve got a bright future to build, together.


MK and the entire OLG team

Our three rivers flow. They ramble and they roll; they roam and they rush. They rise. Their sound becomes a rhythm, becomes a beat—a heartbeat.

They breathe life into our community. They breathe commerce. Adventure. And romance.

On these banks, we’re at our best—recognizing our past, and creating a new momentum. Forward.

Our rivers brought us here. Today, we’re in the middle of a powerful story, and tomorrow looks even better.

In Northeast Indiana and downtown Fort Wayne, we’re just like our rivers: always moving.

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