Vignettes: An Introduction to Our Team

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February 14, 2024

Every engagement at OLG benefits from the experience and expertise of our entire team—each of our team of 10 is a collaborative, fair and driven problem-solver. We’re purposefully boutique-sized, with decades of advertising and marketing experience.

But our industry experience isn’t the only thing that differentiates us. Each of our unique perspectives shapes what we’re able to accomplish for our clients, and our community.

Get to know our team members a little better, in our new series, Vignettes!


Angie Hoffman

Angie’s from a family of creatives. She grew up exploring mediums: sculpting, carving, printmaking, drawing and more—an experience that led to her experimental nature. She’s not afraid to try new things, even if it means messing up or failing. That attitude has led her to be prolific in a variety of artforms, with a special interest in blending them and pushing boundaries. It’s integral to the way she approaches everything today.


Bridget Malinowski

With a passion for music, dance and theatre, Bridget has always been drawn to the exchange that happens between performers on stage and members of an audience, when the two feed off each’s energy and passion. She strives to recreate those feelings of wonder and joy in all her interactions and relationships—from triumphant moments of collaboration in meetings, to small, everyday acts of kindness.


Erin Blair

Erin has always loved harmony and balance—and she finds that she’s able to help people achieve that through complex problem-solving. She sees everything as a piece of the puzzle, knowing that when she exercises her skills, like interpersonal relationships, empathic storytelling and listening to understand, the puzzle becomes a clear picture, and we can all celebrate, together. Also, she really does like puzzles!


Jake Sauer

Like most kids, Jake enjoyed watching cartoons when he was young. But then, he started drawing them too. And soon after, he started drawing his own comic books—and baseball cards, and posters of his sports heroes, and so on. That led to a prolific portfolio of poster gig art—about 215 at the time of this blog, and counting. His work always carries a bigger-picture visual storytelling element, a disposition critical to his work at OLG, as well.


Jasmine Bejar

Jasmine wrote her first poem with a purple gel pen in her Lisa Frank notebook when she was 10. At that point, writing became an outlet for her to process and articulate her emotions. She believes that the most basic human need is to be heard and understood, and she uses writing to help herself, and others, meet that need. She couples that with her strategic ability to recognize and use patterns to create intentional, impactful work.


Jonathan Barker

Growing up, Jonathan’s parents were teachers, but they also had a side hustle—they ran a screen-printing business out of their backyard. Drawing was a normal, and prolific, activity in his house growing up. His family still sends hand-drawn birthday cards, and the sentiment of that gesture finds its way into his work today. He enjoys simplifying complexity, and symbolically and meaningfully embedding the “bigger idea” into his art.


Matt Kelley

Matt’s interest in comic books and graphic novels turned out to be a pathway for storytelling. From dreaming of being a comic book artist, to practicing fine art, to studying literature, to designing album covers—his multidisciplinary past has shaped his approach to all things OLG today. He believes his greatest source of inspiration is other human beings, always surrounding himself with people he admires.


Michelle Love

Michelle has always loved art, but she also loves people. Her childhood was spent in the constant company of others. Listening and learning, but also creatively expressing herself—with a strong conviction to help others do the same. She thought she might pursue a career in corporate law, but when she took a class that was running a mini ad agency, she knew she’d found a place where she could foster her love for creativity and build relationships.


Olivia Fabian

Olivia grew up in a family of makers, who extended a lot of trust and freedom to her when it came to creativity and expression. From carpentry, to sewing, to painting, to welding, her family’s interests lay at the crossroads of dreaming and resourcefulness. She believes good ideas and creative solutions can come from unexpected places, and carries a positive and experimental spirit into everything she does.


Zoe Weaver

Zoe’s friends and family have always sought her advice when it comes to prioritizing. Her uncanny ability to see the bigger picture (in life, or in a project) and break it down into sequential, manageable steps complements her even-keeled personality. She doesn’t dwell on what has happened, and is always focused on, what will we do next? You can always find the answer in one of her spreadsheets.

Portraits by Angie Hoffman

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