The Dial

  • Here’s to The Good Ones

    In 2012, OLG, in partnership with Denise DeMarchis, Sam McDonald and Matilda Jane Clothing, embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. One that we reminisce on, again and again—OLG, a boutique creative agency, launched a clothing brand that celebrated the boys that light fireworks in our souls.

  • Ten Playlists for Your Next Writing Project

    As a writer, I find that words distract me. What?  Yes. I'm easily distracted by words. If there's a TV on, I'm subconsciously listening. If there's a conversation going on, I can't not hear it. And, of course, if a song has words, my mind is following (and maybe singing) them. I'm on a quest to devour as many words as possible, and I can't save me from me.

  • Moving What Matters

    The Women’s Fund of Greater Fort Wayne is committed to understanding—and overcoming—the challenges facing women and girls in our community. Through research, education and collaboration, they are making amazing strides to uncover and address the most important issues that shape [...]

  • Our Three Favorite Hoppy Gnome Tacos

    As you may recall from our Taco Tuesday post, we don’t mess around about tacos. And we’ve got a special place in our hearts for our downtown taco establishment—The Hoppy Gnome. Great service, locally owned, great food… what more can [...]

  • OLG’s Favorite Things: Podcasts

    Some of us are podcast junkies. Some of us dabble. Regardless, we like to listen to 'em. Check out our favorites!

  • Our Favorite Productivity Tools

    At OLG, we work with a rather excruciating commitment to the quality of our relationships and our work; thankfully, we share a healthy dollop of laughs along the way. We like to say that each and every month, there’s a [...]

  • OLG’s Favorite Things: Summertime Songs

    Sunshine is imminent, we just know it. Here’s a playlist of songs that signal summer to OLG’ers, with commentary from the team!     Michelle Fishin’ in the Dark, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band This is one of my husband’s favorite [...]

  • Taco Tuesday, Now & Forever

    Taco Tuesdays have been a long-standing tradition for some of us at OLG, and we’ll never stop tasting our way through the city. Over time, we’ve put together lists of Best-of’s. Here’s a look into our cilantro-filled perspective. *Note: we [...]

  • “Is The Guitar Really Lucky?”

    Here’s how it went down. Back in 1999, I bought an old 1964 Gibson B-25 acoustic guitar from a tall Tennessean named Bucky Baxter. I fell for Bucky and his playing when I would go see all of these Bob [...]

  • A Marathon, Not A Sprint

    You know the cliché saying, it’s a marathon, not a sprint? I was trained not to use clichés. But, of course, clichés are so easy… because they’re true.  I still find it hard not to use them. I could have come up [...]

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