Make Space


February 15, 2024

Accessibility supports so many members of our community: children with disabilities, wounded veterans, senior citizens, those with short-term injuries, and those with chronic conditions. We may all become disabled at some point in our lives: making space for others means making space that you may need yourself one day.

Make Space is a local initiative to provide education and advocacy for accessibility, and the first issue they’re tackling is accessible parking. One Lucky Guitar partnered with local advocates Cassie Beer and Kelly Shields to develop the name, tagline, visual identity and brochure for the Make Space initiative.

Accessible parking spaces are fundamental tools to provide obstacle-free access to public spaces and facilities, accommodating wheelchair ramps, lifts and other assistive devices. These spaces ensure that individuals with disabilities can enter and exit buildings safely and conveniently.

The striped spaces next to accessible parking spots are called access aisles, and for those who carry accessibility parking placards and plates, these aisles are essential to their ability to move about our community safely and conveniently.

The next phase of this campaign includes increased awareness and education for access aisles, many of which will feature new artwork, designed by OLG! Be on the lookout for these throughout our community, and make sure you make space.