The Newest News


January 1, 2010

Thanks for tuning in to The Dial—One Lucky Guitar’s weblog—where we’re reporting and opining on the latest happenings in and around our scene.

Check out Art & Strategy, Too for more stories about our work for Northeast Indiana’s finest client roster. Did you ever hear we love what we do? It’s true. We almost never stop doing it—see Extra & Curricular for proof. And sure, we’re a design & marketing boutique, but we don’t stop at ads and reports; very often we’re promoting a Show & Event that is moving the needle on arts & culture in our community. Features & Headlines offers long-form opinion on topics far and wide, and we use Love & Like in the classic bloggin’ fashion—music, books and articles that are blowing our minds. Finally, sometimes we make the news, and you can read all about it in News & Word.

So if we don’t see ya again for a long, long while…