December 6, 2013: This show has officially SOLD OUT. Thank you for your support of original music and unique venues!
Original Post:
Mark Hutchins opened the The B-Side’s 2013 schedule of shows with the exceptional Stuntman One show, and we’re incredibly honored to welcome him back for this December gig. Mark’s terrific band fills the room with musical magic.
With The Gifted Liars: Dan Greunke, Jon Kynard and Lee Andrews, and featuring Jeffrey Allen, D. Ferren and Kevin Hambrick.
While this show is the same night as the 1301 Connect open house, an advance ticket is REQUIRED for entry into The B-Side.
Tickets on sale Friday, November 22nd at 9AM EST at
RSVP, and tell your friends all about it on Facebook.
Mark Hutchins
The B-Side at One Lucky Guitar
Friday, December 13, 2013
7:30PM doors; 8PM show