Hey Kepi, Let’s Go!


May 24, 2013

Ladies and gents, rock n’ rollers, punkers and ghouls, we’re super pumped to welcome Kepi Ghouile to perform at The B-Side, Monday, July 1. Anyone who’s seen the former Groovie Ghoulies frontman perform will tell you the energy in the room isn’t quite comparable to other shows you’ve seen. He’s taken his act all over the world, and now he’s ready to bring fun to the Fort. Don’t miss seeing such a swell performance in our space!

Joining him will be his fellow travelers from Sacramento, Dog Party, and local faves, Flamingo Nosebleed, who may have a new album of their own to flaunt.

Kepi Ghoulie (electric)
Dog Party
Flamingo Nosebleed
Monday, 1 July 2013
7:30 PM doors, 8PM show
All-ages | $6 | BYO

Buy advance tickets at brownpapertickets.com. (recommended)
