Indiana Tech holds a special place in my heart. This small but mighty university was my employer prior to One Lucky Guitar. When I was there, I worked with the team who refreshed and modernized the school’s graphic identity.
Recently, Indiana Tech remodeled the oldest building on campus — a historic civil war era structure — and turned it into their new administration center. Central to the whole project was a state-of-the-art geothermal heating and cooling system that is ultra efficient and environmentally friendly. As a result, this 150 year old building was awarded a LEED Gold certification. Yowzas! That’s pretty cool. To encourage more universities and businesses to do the same, Indiana Tech is hosting The Geothermal Advantage — a one-day conference to share best practices for implementing the technology in any community.
When OLG was asked to work on event branding and promotional materials, we were thrilled! We developed a multi-stage direct mail campaign that included a few postcards and an invitation. Since geothermal systems are tough to capture in photos, illustrations were employed to indicate the basic principles of the technology (basically, harnessing the stable thermal energy stored in the ground rather than the wildly fluctuating thermal energy of outside air) and entice people to learn more.
Here’s a close look at some of the creative we developed. Check out that Helvetica? Man, can’t go wrong. I love any chance to dial in this typeface and represent the international style.
In a future post, I’ll share the designs we developed for the conference binders and presentations.