‘Talent Made Here’ Launches


October 29, 2010


If you’re a resident in Northeast Indiana, by this time you’ve no doubt been introduced to Curtis—Talent Made Here spokesperson. Telling the story about the amazing programs of the Talent Initiative, Curtis is working hard to reverse the declining per capita income in our region.

Collaborating with the great team at the Northeast Indiana Fund, we developed a comprehensive marketing campaign that addresses the four key strategies of the Talent Initiative: arming the adult workforce with advanced, 21st century skills; enhancing the Ivy Tech Advanced Manufacturing Program; growing regional engineering talent by expanding programs at IPFW, in partnership with regional defense/aerospace employers; and preparing K–12 students for a knowledge-based economy.

The campaign—Talent Made Here—has included the development of the Made Here brand and full support materials, including a robust, video-driven website, print collateral and social media, and broadcast, outdoor and print media, as well as logo and collateral development for the Talent Initiative-funded New Tech high schools in the region. Talent? We’re making sure it’s everywhere.

Find out more at TalentMadeHere.com or facebook.com/TalentMadeHere, or view the full video library here.