I attended the 21st Century Talent Conference held at the Landmark Conference Center and put on by partners of the Vision 2020 initiative, including the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership and Talent Initiative. I still can’t stop thinking about how inspired I was by their keynote speaker: Ian Jukes of InfoSavvy.
Jukes said some boat-rocking things about how our current educational system. For some people, this might have brought them down, however, it sparked the exact opposite in me. I left the Talent Conference with an increased energy inside me—a true excitement.
Most of Jukes’ message centered around disruptive technology and how our ever-changing technological landscape constantly produces new and amazing devices that are not only advancing our world, but also making people and devices obsolete. He cited the evolution of the cell phone, music industry and even our transition from an agricultural society to creative. Jukes expressed how the devices we have today let us go places that were impossible ten years ago—changing the way we work, play and communicate.
I am sure you are wondering what this has to do with education! Well, Jukes didn’t say anything overly profound, but rather to the point. The educational system is not immune. It can’t keep going on the way it has for the past hundred years—ignoring everything happening outside its walls. Jukes cited Jack Welch saying, “if the rate of change outside your organization is greater than the rate of change inside your organization—the end is in sight.” If we do not want to see our educational system fail—we need change.
Working closely with the Talent Initiative, I am excited to see what our local organizations are going to do with this information and point of view. Will we see even more New Tech schools in Northeast Indiana or maybe even a shift toward life-long learning? How will people provoke change in our region and how might we all become more open to modifications in our educational system? The future will only tell, but this lady sure is excited about the possibilities!